Buuuuut, I'm clearly back so I guess it isn't that simple. I think I just ran out of things to say. FALSE! I always have something to say - I just ran out of the gumption to write about it. And THAT, I decided, was not acceptable. Not unlike using the word gumption. Clearly, I'm out of practice.
So here I am! No promises. No commitments. But blogging again never the less 9 months later. Though this round, I've decided I need a little more structure. I felt my blogging was cycling along with all other bloggers and THEN I started to feel pressure to start DIY'ing which I don't do. I just go to the store and buy a quilt or sassy side table, ya know? I feel there is so much "access" out there through Facebook and tweets...Flixter, Instagram, Pinterest, cellular devices, that we're in a state of constant "plug in" and also fall into a trap of unrealistic comparison. No longer can we just attempt to keep up with Mr. and Mrs. Jones down the street - but we see hundreds of Joneses all over this good earth always baking more, traveling further, DIY'ing, and living just ahead of everyone else in the world. It's exhausting! I don't care for it.
What does that have to do with structure you ask? Well.
Last November I bought a book entitled "642 Things to Write About" because I wanted to start the creative writing juices flowing. My writing didn't used to be restricted to an Inbox or agenda item. Even crafting a well researched paper on organizational leadership allowed for some creativity, in a way. And lately, I just feel like I need to work on something for no other reason than I like it and want to be better at it. Is that so wrong? I didn't think so either.
Thus, I'm beginning 1 of 642 things to write about because I want to practice writing. And I thought, well, this blog is already here, might as well dust it off and use it!
What can happen in a second
1 of 642 Things to Write About
I blink in a second
Most blink in a second
The light in a second
Answers in a second
Crashing in a second
Heart broken in a second
Tap in a second
Start in a second
Finish in a second
Two words in a second
Yes! In a second!
Just a second.
Give me a second.
SHE is back!!! Oh happy day! I was wondering when you would be! I love love love to blog stalk you and always appreciate the things you have to say. I hit the blog rut not too long ago myself, and it was also a book that inspired me. Mine was more about the fact that I had given up something that makes me truly truly happy! Thus, the Lindsey blog continued. Like unto yours! I am so excited and proud of you. AND one other thing about creative juices....all it takes is 10 minutes of writing a day. That's it. No more, maybe less to get you back into tip top writing shape.
I've missed the creative, humorous style of your writing. I'm excited you're back. And p.s. most DIY's don't do a very good job. They just show the highlights of the things that worked. ;)
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