Wednesday, April 15, 2009

This will be amazing

Alright. Something ironic my friends. Not two days, TWO DAYS (maybe 3... can't remember) after I leave on "blog sabbatical" the bloggy people at blogspot decide to add a little feature called "email posting." Which I GUESS means I can email my blog posts - from gmail and not even have to have access to my blog. Which lets face it - is going to be weird that I can blog post and even approve comments from " a far" and never see what my blog posts actually look like. Ahem. WELL! One bridge at a time I guess.
Now... lets see if this actually WORKS!
Ohhhh wait - I will try a picture post too. Simultaneous experiments going on here. And I know JUST the pic.


heidikins said...

It's working!! Wahoo and Zahoo!

Also--you TOTALLY have a crush on the Obama...and it's only a *little bit* obvious. ;o)


Marisa Jean said...

Tricky, and geinus! Yay for the shortest sabbatical I've ever seen!

Michele said...

Yay! You're back! Hooray! I am loving this new feature... blogging from gmail. Who would have guessed this day would come?

Andrea Jolene said...

Mmm - crush on Obama. And I don't need the media to tell me who's a fine lookin man. I have eyes ;) And he's a fine lookin man. Yep. Suckered.