I truly have lost control of my personal life. Yes, I am posting my Halloween pictures nearly a week later. What of it? At least I’m posting them. I really think this is representative of my life – I feel like I’m a full 7 days behind and almost in no way will be able to catch up. Rather a disheartening scenario, no? Sigh. Alas, I need to reevaluate my priorities – maybe when schools over – in 2 years.
For Halloween I was a Roller Derby Girl. Yes, I was inspired by the movie Whip-it as well as the appeal of wearing a fluffy pink petticoat in public. What’s more, I borrowed “tattoo sleeves” from my friend Terilyn, and felt pretty bad-ass in them. They look incredibly authentic and I almost felt a certain empowerment sporting them on my arms. I think that’s why Halloween is one of my favorite holidays – I have the opportunity to be someone completely different for a night; to play a character in a play that's different from the one you've been assigned (or self-selected); but lets leave the philosophizing for another time... in 2 years maybe.
For Halloween I was a Roller Derby Girl. Yes, I was inspired by the movie Whip-it as well as the appeal of wearing a fluffy pink petticoat in public. What’s more, I borrowed “tattoo sleeves” from my friend Terilyn, and felt pretty bad-ass in them. They look incredibly authentic and I almost felt a certain empowerment sporting them on my arms. I think that’s why Halloween is one of my favorite holidays – I have the opportunity to be someone completely different for a night; to play a character in a play that's different from the one you've been assigned (or self-selected); but lets leave the philosophizing for another time... in 2 years maybe.
Terilyn and I at Thriller on Friday night. What what! Some pretty powerful ladies!
Saturday night I went to the Utah vs. Wyoming game (and nearly had a heart attack the whole time - that team is going to be the DEATH of me - why must we wait until the last half of the 4th quarter to show up and play some real football? I ASK YOU!); and of course, the Muss had to make a showing by dressing up "black hole" style. My friend Eyring and I looked pretty hard core... and by hard core I might mention how much the vampy teeth add to my overall bad-assidness already assumed by my wicked arm-tats.
The final chapter (and by far the most entertaining) of my Halloween-ing this year happened in the workplace. We had a week long United Way campaign at my place of employment the week of Halloween and part of the campaign entailed a "donation race" to see which executive could illicit the most funds in his "jar" thus making him eligible to prance around the office in a blow up ballerina costume.

And my supervisor won...
And he LOVED it.
Perhaps I'm not the only one that's slightly lost control of my personal life.
Perhaps I'm not the only one that's slightly lost control of my personal life.
That is creepy! On both counts.
Amen! Ha ha. And hilarious.
You sure we work at the same place? Because I participated in a United Way campaign, not an Untied Campaign--amazing how one letter in the wrong place really changes the meaning of it! He he...
Anyway, love the roller derby girl, you do look bad-ass. And I, unfortunately, did not have the joy of witnessing Cameron as a ballerina, but oh how happy I am you posted this video! He's not too shabby!
Stop fixing your tats and watch the scary game!
Looooved the roller derby costume!!
Wow - thanks for the spellcheck reminder.
You make a pretty fierce roller derby girl...in fact, I could definitely see you taking down a snotty girl or two! Also, that video...made my month! HILARIOUS! That guy, he gets major points in the cool scale just for dressing up like that! Hope you are doing well!!!
Those roller skates are HOT! :)
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