2011 is an auspicious year! It is the 25th Anniversary of the highly acclaimed Broadway musical, Les Miserables, adapted from Victor Hugo's inspiring novel. Today is also an equally auspicious day; it's the day I bought 5 tickets for the 25th Anniversary of the highly acclaimed Broadway musical, Les Miserables, adapted from Victor Hugo's inspiring novel, for the
Sunday, June 5th, 6:30pm showing, aka closing night aka the tickets were disappearing fast so I relented to purusing the Sunday availability. God appreciates good music right? And it's not like I'll be missing church.... justify... justify... justify....
Now what does this have to do with going on a date with the fabulous ME (or 24601) and watching a fantastic performance? A lot I feel. I'm a person of one, and as a person of one, having 5 tickets is a bit of an overkill, don't you think? Yeah, probably. Or maybe I just really like my space and am willing to drop hundreds (true) of dollars in order to make sure no one touches me. I don't like to be touched...
That said, where are these golden tickets going? Who gets them? Why do they get them? How do they even DESERVE such a wonderful cultural opportunity brought to you by yours truly? Well, because I'm related to most of them. My brother and his wife get two tickets - naturally - because they are paying for them. Cash is the fastest way to my heart... and tickets. Remember that. Second, my mom should probably get a seat, because without her I wouldn't even BE here to BUY the tickets, so I went ahead and bought one for her too. Love you, Mom! Cute. And of course I get a ticket... so ... (mumble numbers... counting on hands.... getting frustrated... finding calculator)... that leaves ONE golden ticket left.
Just one.
Much like Charlie in the Chocolate Factory. "I've got a golden ticket! I've got a golden chance to make my way! And with a goldon ticket it's a gooooolden day!" You too could have the chance to sing this song in your nightshirt!
Okay, so it's not THAT life changing (I mean Charlie pretty much won an entire chocolate factory so... yeah...) and maybe I'm hyping it up a little too much (me hype? Never) - but I'm pretty stinking excited about going to see Les Mis and I'd like to share the experience with someone who would be equally excited. I've seen it once - years and years and years ago - in semi-crappy seats. So I'm happy to say, that this gem is in the orchestra level "P" row, and I'd like someone seated next to me; i.e. someone who appreciates the music, history, language, culture, universal themes, authenticity, grace, that IS Les Miserables. Eh? It doesn't get any better. Here's a picture of me if that sweetens the deal...
Moving on...
So do you want this ticket? Well you can't have it! No... MAYBE you can. I bought two thinking very optimistically that hey, I should really try and take a date to this. But really Internet, I really struggle with finding someone "neutral" enough to take. Ya know the whole "dating" weirdness that comes with these sorts of things and you (universal for all singles) kinda wanting to take someone you might have a slight interest in but then again, going through the stress of selecting said person and then just giving up and asking a guy-friend who by this time can't go because you waited too long to ask him and he is actually going with his girlfriend which, by the way, you had no idea they were even still dating so now you're a bad friend and a loner, so then you end up taking a girlfriend which is great but you sure wish you could've taken a date because everyone else here is ON A DATE!! Phew. I feel such a release right now. PLUS, this ticket was $72!! I feel that if I'm not dating or nearly wed or WED or owe some person a very large favor for doing some really extraordinary thing for me like lavishing me with expesnive gifts for no reason or writing the Cost/Benefit analysis paper due in my HigherEd Policy class in two weeks (anyone?), perhaps there needs to be a little "earning" power involved. Right? Perhaps someone should have to commit something in exchange for such an opportunity. I mean, this is something worth committing a little time (in lou of money) for. And really, as I've learned from the 5 Love Languages, giving me a little Time is basically the key to my soul. Secrets out. Keep your money - I want your Time.
So what are the stipulations? I don't really know yet. I'm still trying to decide if having a little contest for my one remaining ticket and lets face it, the joy of discussing the grandeur of such inspiring music and story with MOI, is either a really great and fun idea, or basically a set-up for crushed self-esteem. Oh how it languishes. I mean, think if no one really gives a damn about the ticket or... sniff sniff... me... and NO one wants to jump through my hoop to get it? OR! They really want the ticket but man, not sure if it's worth hanging out with that monkey-faced girl (see above picture). That would be very sad indeed. And embarrassing. And then I'd just sell the other ticket on KSL for double and be happy as a clam anyway (light bulb!). So, first, let me tell you a few stipulations for the contest and you tell me if it's a good (or really lame, bad, cheesy-ball, idea). Be honest! This is my self-esteem we're talking about here! It's fragile. It's tender.
First, I do kinda still want it to be date-esque, but who am I to deny the ladies a shot at such a great event? SO! I'd like to submit a little Affirmative Action disclosure - as I am an Affirmative Action advocate and feel that where there is historical disadvantage based on such characteristics as race, gender, and ethnicity, there needs to be some policies involved to create a more equal playing field. Historically I've asked mostly girlfriends to attend such events, so historically, men have been at a slight disadvantage for me and these things. Also, I tend to like to go on dates with men for the most part... always. PLUS! If you win, gentleman, you can call me your Lady Friend and you shall be my Gentleman Caller.
I've just lost you didn't I?
SO!!! Ahem.
Men who submit to the contest will automatically have priority consideration... or an extra 5 points... or two gold stars instead of one... or two names in the sorting hat... or some sort of little privilege that gives them an edge against the ladies. Sorry ladies. But really, if you (men and/or woman) are the very best at this er... competition... I won't discount you based on gender! Promise! Just want you to know what you're up against (if anything at all - here's where the low self-esteem portion creates shadows of rejection on my mental wall... in fact, ladies please apply. At least I'll look like I have friends who like hanging out with me... I'm sure it would have nothing to do with going to a fantastical musical that's basically now sold out... right? RIGHT?!?!).
That's really as far as I've gotten as far as contest rules and planning. Doesn't bode well does it? It's early. So now, rather, I'd just like YOU to tell ME if this is a good idea, or if I should just see if one of my other little brothers wants to go (that could be a really good contest! Nick? Taylor? Wrestle to the death! GO!). OR, call up Colin Firth and see if he has any plans on June 5th. Robert Downy Jr.? I'm sure since I'm calling so far in advance they should be able to fit me into their schedules, don't you think? Just know if Colin says yes, it's a done deal. Here's a picture of Colin, just so you understand.
And one more of me...
Eh? I call this one "Sexy Tomb Raider"