Well here’s the grand tour of the new place. I’m pretty glad I didn’t do a complete tour of my “old place” because there’s no need for comparison. My “old place” was more “remodeled” and bigger – but it was also further away and er… further away. Also, it was further away. What?
We just got furniture on Saturday through KSL (see couch) and a fantastic yard sale (see ottoman and chaise) and basically walked away with some excellent items for an excellent price. But enough of this blather!! Without further ado – I present for your enjoyment – the “mostly” finished Capitol Hills Apt. ( I say mostly for there are still a few things to purchase, hang, and plug in.)
We just got furniture on Saturday through KSL (see couch) and a fantastic yard sale (see ottoman and chaise) and basically walked away with some excellent items for an excellent price. But enough of this blather!! Without further ado – I present for your enjoyment – the “mostly” finished Capitol Hills Apt. ( I say mostly for there are still a few things to purchase, hang, and plug in.)
Ah, the view from the door way. If you come to visit me in my vintage downtown apt, this will be your first impression – and a lovely impression it is. Doesn’t that fireplace look inviting?:
A decent angle of the living area (note awesome chaise – my favorite piece, dahling) We also brought the sun in to hang above our TV for a little atmosphere. Snort! Just kidding. It’s a lamp… not the Sun:

Ah yes, the praying Buddah. It feels like peace, doesn’t it? Howmmmmm.
Sentimental side note now that I’m thinking on it: I was driving to Smiths the other day – also conveniently located – admiring the diverse architecture, the picturesque sidewalks, the variety of folks walking, biking, and driving around the Aves, and thought “I could live in the downtown Aves for the rest of my life.” True story. I really have come to love Salt Lake City and particularly, Downtown. I once imagined I’d be whisked to suburbia once the husband and children came along – but really – I’d rather stay right Downtown – forever – married or single. Sure there are pros and cons. Pro being the great location. Con being the weirdys (though really I think they’re a Pro – if they’re the harmless weirdy type). But ultimately I love it here. Once, I asked someone how they felt about SLC after visiting me for a weekend; “It just isn’t my scene” they said. And it bothered me – I mean it really bothered me. I thought “Not your scene? What does that even mean?” It was like they were saying I wasn’t their scene – like they couldn’t really “do” that or they just didn’t get why I loved this place so much. Really? How could you not see how great this place is? Then I realized, one weekend does not compare to years of living, growing, stretching, learning, and “being.” Some places just become a part of you – strung with memories good and bad, happy and sad. They soak up your moments as you live them and then, as you run down a familiar road you’ve run 100 times before, or reach your hand out the window as you drive feeling the first touches of Spring rush through your fingers, those moments suddenly spew back at you, vivid and real. They float up in great swirling puffs off the familiar roads, the trees in the Fall on South Temple, and the old Aves cemetery. They glide down the cherry blossoms in the Spring, the uneven sidewalks, the small eateries and local Cafes. They skip along with the tulips on Temple Square, bicyclists, Rice-Eccles Stadium, parks, dog walkers, hippies, weirdy’s, and Farmers Markets. You can’t help but relive a hundred different memories, a thousand different moments, right here in the place that’s soaked into your skin and flowing thick through your veins.
I can connect everything here with a story, an event, even small moments that shaped my life and changed me forever. Just not your scene? You can tell that about a place, especially a place such as this, in one weekend? Well, then I’m not “your scene” – because I AM this little piece of Earth; I am the sidewalks, trees, stop signs, and streets. I am the flowers, snowy slippery hills, 100 year old buildings, and yes, even the crazies. I am all those things and love all those things and remember all those things.
It feels like Home. It’s been awhile since I’ve really felt at Home, and being back here among all those things I had left over a year ago, gives me a feeling of coming back from a long trip, ready for a shower, some good food, and a deep breath of my own familiar air. My own air. My scene. My Home. It’s a feeling I’m growing very used to.
Ah, I love Salt Lake. This actually got me a little teary--I took a long walk through my neighborhood last night and felt such similar loves for my home.
This is such a beautiful post, love love and double love.
Also, I LOVE your new place! Please bless you'll invite me over soon (to make chalkboards? I'll bring the chalkboard paint!) and let me ooh and ahhh in person.
Oh I am sooo home sick! A touch of nostalgia to start my day. I too was born and raised in Salt Lake City and even though I've lived half my life away from the land of my birth, it will forever be my home. When I die my husband knows he better safely tuck me beneath the towering rockies or ...well HE knows what else! What ward do you attend? My in-laws live in Northpoint up past the old BYU extension -now under construction for condos or ...something. You may be in their stake.
Just a thought - I live west of the Capitol on Center Street... about 2 blocks from the new Conference Center. :)
You must live below the home where they used to live ...up above the capital (west side) on Braewick Road. Sounds like you picked a great location. How fun to be so close to everything! You've done an amazing job on decorating your new apartment! You have a flair for style! We send our best from Texas. (I just completed a Skywarn class ...we're getting ready for tornado/hurricane season. Never a dull moment!)
I love the post! It got me all nostalgic - I loved living in the Avenues!
Cute place - I love the large bookshelf - I could really use something like that!
I'm glad things are going so well for you! Tell Nikelle "hello" for me! Oh, by the way, I'm coming down to Utah in 4 weeks for my brother's graduation...if at all possible, it would be great to see you and Nikelle!
Gorgeous! I wish I lived there.
Sooooooooo cute! I love your new apartment. And I especially love the praying Buddha. :)
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