Saturday, July 12, 2008

Paris in Silky Blue deserves its own post...Non?

You can capture the vision now, can't you? Picture this bold, beautiful, blue, gem sitting comfortably on my "still in decent shape after several months living abroad with better food than America could dream of but somehow I was able to practice some restraint" bod, in a French Restaurant in Paris. Of course, we've chosen the restaurant closest to ... The Théâtre de l'Académie Royale where we will enjoy the renowned Italian Opera La Boheme, or perhaps a french classic: Cyrano de Bergerac (my personal favorite). Following such a cultural enjoyment, naturally there will be a stroll on the Champs Elysee, or peut-etre (uh..perhaps...caught in the moment there) une marche (a walk) around Le Tour d'Eiffel while it glitters in the Parisian evening. Sigh. And what can pull an evening like this together in perfect silky blue Parisian unity? I think you know...(and it comes in petite - tres bien!).

C'est magnifique, non?


Grimm Family blog said...

Wow! cute dress! those french classes in High school really paid off...non?

Gina said...

Umm, there was way too much non-English garble in that paragraph.

Anonymous said...

You are bee-U-tiful! Hello gorgeous!
