"I often give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it." Alice in Wonderland
Saturday, January 30, 2010
To add insult to injury...
Stood up.
And Canceled.
I hate dating... or rather... not dating. I don't think I'm even remotely meant to date... or so seemeth to say the Universe.
Remember what I said about jinx's and my dating life? Do you!??!?!
I hate to say I told you so.... but...
Thursday, January 28, 2010
LDSPlanet redeems itself... mostly

Thursday, January 21, 2010
My grandparents are way cooler than yours... like way cooler
How are they hip? Well, firstly, they have a nicer cell phone than I do. In ye old Emery County - we all have Verizon cell phone plans because it's the ONLY provider that can reach us (can you hear me now? YES! WOW!). Not only do my grandparents have a cell phone (does yours?) but it's a NICE cell phone. Not convinced? Wait for it...
They ALSO have a gmail account and HAVE had one for quite. some. time. AND! AND! They USE it. Shore, a lot of your grandparents may have an email address (not gmail though I guarantee it) - but I bet they don't know how to use the fandangled thing! Con-sarn-it! My grandparents create, send, receive, and respond to emails. Beat that.
Oh you think you can?
Well get THIS! This clenches the 'my grandparents are way cooler than your grandparents' claim.
Today, I just accepted my Grandpa as a friend on Facebook! OH! Now THAT, my friends, is cool AND hip. Yes it is! And I'm not the first friend that has been requested to be his facebook friend. Nope. There are 4 other facebook friends AND he's already joined a "Draft Peter Corron For Governor in 2010" facebook GROUP. He's making political statements on Facebook!
THUS, not only do my grandparents have a nice cell phone they use, a gmail acount they use, but they are on facebook, they have facebook friends, AND have joined a facebook group! Now seriously, SERIOUSLY, how can your grandparents POSSIBLY be hipper than mine? Do your grandparents still even have their own hips??? Think about it.
(*Oh oh oh! They check my blog too. Yep. They can get to and check my blog... yet another hip thing to do. They also just signed up for Netflix. I haven't even signed up for Netflix!)
Friday, January 15, 2010
Online Dating Update - How texting FAILS
There are a few things I've noticed the last couple weeks however (and this may be just because I'm in a "meh, I don't care at the moment" mood). All the dudes on this thing are... the same. Do you know what I mean? It's like, if I've read one profile I've read them all. They all like fun (which one day I want to send a message to one of them and say "I hate fun! Fun sucks! I don't get what the big deal is about fun!"), they all play some variation of the same 3 sports, they all like to listen to music (again... is there someone out there that truly hates music?) and they are all looking for someone "fun". Again, the fun. They describe all their regular dude qualities that most dudes share. These are fine - but I already know that. I know about regular dude things. It's like girls saying "I like shoes." No kidding. It's these 'no kidding' details that have created some apathy for me towards the online dating search. They truly all follow the same basic patterns with little variation or insight. Of course to be fair, I don't expect to know someones inner most desires or discover their endearing quirks through a few lines on an online dating site, but truly (and perhaps snobbishly), I've already become rather bored with the process and even more unimpressed with the options. No one sticks out. So... there's that.
Oh, and the TEXTING. Ugh. I mean we're already e-dating, can't we have one form of non entirely "e" communication? I've also discovered that about 75% of those that e-date, will naturally e-do everything else. "E" doing things is convenient and easy - but doesn't that take away the depth of the interaction to an extent. I mean sure e-invite for a Rock Band Party - but would you e-tell your parents you've decided to quit your sensible job to move to Guam and study squid fish? No... well, maybe. ;)
Another real life example: I've been emailing this dude a little bit and he makes the "we should hang out sometime" transition. Alright, why not? Seems like a nice stable guy. I sent my number on over and said "Yeah sure. Let me know." Well... last night he texted me. Oy. I've come to really hate texting as far as an acceptable dating procedure. I really do. This supports my issue with lack of organic interaction with people - there's no sincere connection - no meaning. Even a voice carried on satellite waves to my ear is more real than some texted words. Plus, I find texting to ask someone out lame and cowardly (come on dudes... be MEN! Just call! What could happen? Back in the day, dudes had to go over to a girls house and ask permission of their gun-toting, hay-bailing, father to "call on Jenny" and then come back later and meet the whole fam before going to the barn dance. Dudes got it EASY with a phone call).
So I was already put off a bit with the "Hey. How's it going. Do you want to hang out still?" text but further put off by "Cool... when do you want to go out?" and then downright uninterested, because it was clear I was going to have to plan out these details and he had absolutely nothing in mind. Siiiiiigh. Really, I do ask two things of dudes (and tell me if this is completely unreasonable) - they call, and they plan it (Elder Oaks agrees with me I MIGHT add). Nothing extravagant of course (as Utah daters have clear issues with these crazy weird dates... I just want an hour lunch at Jason's Deli or a nice walk through memory grove) Or at LEAST have a DAY in mind - a FEW days to suggest! This texty-man had me give day options and pretty much "be the man" in the scenario. I really want to be the girl when I date. Is that so much to ask? As I am, in fact, a girl? If he wants to do something with me, shouldn't he have something in mind? I don't want to plan it. It's his deal. I guess if he doesn't have to call and plan - I don't have to be available or bath right? That's the trade off I think. Girls try and accomodate and spend time looking cute, so dude will call and ask her out, and she will be cute when he comes to get her. Shrug. Makes sense to me. But then again, I've been single my whole life save about 3 months two years ago. True.
Anyway... I'll go out with him, but I kinda don't want to because of the texting first and me having to take the lead on the whole thing. I know I know, give it a chance, blah blah blah, and I will. That's why I'm going -even if I don't really want to. That's not to say there aren't guys on there I wouldn't mind going out with - or honestly - guys I've actually MET I'd like to go out with - but those guys never ask. Oh the wo's and ironies of dating. Am I right my friends? The ones you'd LOVE to go out with never ask. I've gone out twice, TWICE, with someone I've really wanted to go out with. It just doesn't seem right...
And the beat goes on...
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Skip the Starbucks and Help Haiti

International Red Cross
American Red Cross (is taking donations in a number of ways. You can send a $10 donation by texting 'Haiti' to 90999. Donations can be sent to the International Response Fund through www.redcross.org or by calling (800) 733-2767. )
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Finally becoming a true American... via McDonalds
Mmmm, smells nice.
Yep... tastes like butt, just as expected. But hey, now I am fully American! I salute the red, the white, and the blue with greasy fingers and an endearing dribble of 'special sauce' smudged on my happy mouth. Now it's off to Wal-Mart for low priced, sweat-shop manufactured cotton balls, and then maybe I'll test drive a gas-guzzling Ford F250 to drive 3 blocks between my house and work and finish in just enough time to go back to McDonalds for another dozing of fried deliciousness. Party in the USA!
(an aside... I totally broke out the next day with 3 new friendly zits. The costs of becoming truly American I guess... ahem)
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Thailand you say?
Bangkok, Phuket Island, Cambodia, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam...
April 29th begins 16 days in Paradise... siiiiigh
The countdown beings.
As does the making of many, many, many lists (and strict work out routine). I expect you all to submit your opinions, suggestions, and experiences of course. Tell me what YOU know about having a beautiful time in Thailand. And I will show you just how beautiful it is in May.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Winter Me

Sunday, January 3, 2010
The Return of Disney - Remember the Magic

Friday, January 1, 2010
The post every self-respecting blogger will include: Review and Resolutions
So lets see... only a few honorable mentions I think. Yes.
First, I failed at the majority of my resolutions for 2009 - aaaaaand they were pretty boring resolutions at that. Well-meaning as most resolutions are - but I think this year instead of making 10 encompassing 'life-change' resolutions, I'm going to focus on specific events that can start and end in 2010. Make sense? Shore it does.
Last year I resolved to practice the piano more - which I did - until I moved downtown again in a small little apt 2 miles from work with no readily available piano forte. So. Worth. It. Though. I can't imagine living anywhere else in SLC than Downtown Aves or Sugarhouse. So I'm very happy to live downtown SLC again after being away for a year and a half. It's like coming home. All this home needs is a little piano - and believe me - I've been keeping an eye out.
I ALSO resolved to go somewhere I'd never been. WELL! That kinda happened in 2009. I went a few small places like St. George, San Diego, aaaaaaand, Cedar City (ha), but I'd been to all those places before. I'd never been to Coronado in San Diego, however, and that was EASILY my favorite part of my San Diego Labor Day weekend. So that counts for sure. How-ev-er, I did spend 2009 planning my big trip to Thailand April-May 2010; right inbetween semesters. So, though it didn't happen in 2009, it was 2009 and that lofty resolution that made me plan it out. And now, I'm going. 100%. Awesome.
Lastly, the other mentionable resolution from last year was to get a new kitty. Well, I didn't get a 'new' kitty but rather more exciting, got 'old' kitty back. I gave Lila away when I left for California to start a journey around the globe that didn't happen. I was sad to have left her, but mercifully got her back this year. Little Lila is pretty happy I think, as she lounges around like she owns the place. I'm going to label that resolution as accomplished. She was much more grown up after all when I received her back so it was like she was new again. Good kitty.
Also notable in 2009, I settled more happily into my job and feel like I have a better handle on my program and what it needs to be successful, I turned 26 (aka 'the other side' of 25), attended almost all Ute home games, played some excellent Ultimate Frisbee all summer, went on Nik and I's annual "Death Hike" (aka Lake Blanche), saw Henry V at the Shakespeare Festival, bought my very first car - Stella, AND, perhaps the most important happening, started Grad school at the U. Phew. Not too bad. Not too bad at all.
Now, enough of the reflection, time to resolve... or resolute... (?)
Lets make this bulleted and simple. Quick and dirty! I've thought about these to some extent - and though mostly petty - I think more realistic (and fun) than some of my past resolutions. And here we go...
1. Thailand in the Spring (as an over-lap of the 2009 resolution) as well as Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos. Ticket to be purchased in January! Yeeeeeeeeeesssssss.
2. I'm not cutting my hair until this time next year. Is this a resolution? Dunno. But I think it will be fun to try anyway. Now listen, there are a few caveats to this 'resolution' as in when my hair grows, it poofs, and thus, it WILL need a good thinning out every 2 months or so. THAT, I reserve the right to do unless I want to start my career as a bushy haired cat-woman earlier than I had planned. When I shower myself for today - I will post a pic of "here is my hair January 2010" and round it out with "here is my hair January 2011" next year. Oh the anticipation! And why not have a useless but fun resolution for once? EH!??!!
3. I'd like to learn to sew things. This requires I get a sewing machine and some time during school. The sewing machine I can handle... it's the TIME that will be tricky. But I want to make the effort as I feel I could sew-up the dresses I visualize in my mind but can never find in the stores. So... though this sounds a rather loose resolution - I'm gonna make it anyway. Sew stuff. Check.
4. Next, run a half marathon this year. I'm thinking the SLC half in April. I run for exercise and have always thought most people simply crazy who attempt anything beyond 3 miles - but after running the Wasatch Back Relay and feeling the sheer exhilaration that comes with pushing yourself to accomplish the impossible, I want to try a half marathon and see how I fair. I also was introduced to a website that arranges full-fledged Marathons throughout the world and I found one in KENYA Africa for 2011. Seriously, where better to run a first marathon than Kenya? Doesn't it just seem to fit? So the half for this year is to see how I handle long long long, distance running before I attempt the all mighty Marathon. Yipes.
5. As another whimsical travel goal - I hope to be writing my 2011 resolutions from Sydney Australia. Apparently, they have the BEST fireworks show in the Woooooorld. This was confirmed to me through several media clips throughout the day yesterday highlighting the sheer awesomeness of celebrating New Years in Australia. At that moment I resolved to go to Australia for New Years (and possibly Christmas as well) next year. And I'm pretty determined as I've already recuited two suckers to go with me. And they'll go if they know what's good for them!
6. Alright - here's my last one. And don't make fun of me cause I'm SERIOUS! So judge if ya want ;) cause I would, but this year I'm getting married. Yep. I've officially decided that this year is the year. I feel I've experienced a good amount of single living and enjoyed it thoroughly; so now I'm ready for the next level. So I'm gonna get married (or engaged) within 2010. I hear if you write these things down they have a greater chance of actually happening. Well, I'm going to go ahead and NOT count some of last years failed resolutions into the odds of 'if you write it, it will happen' scenario but instead, make this rather lofty aspiration a real written down goal and sending it 'out there' for the Universe to grant. You never know! And WHEN it actually happens, I guarantee it will change New Years resolutions forever.
There you have it. I've fulfilled my obligatory blogger responsibility by posting my 2009 reflections and 2010 resolutions. If you're any sort of blogger, you'll do the same ;) Oh and as for the pics from my crazy New Years Eve, ha ha ha, oh man, I will have to tell you all about it soon. There's pictures involved so as soon as I've received those - I can tell you about the jammin dance party my friends and I crashed at the U where it turned out the median age of attendees was... oh... 40. Ohhhhh yeeeeees. So. Many. Stories. Wow.
Happy New Year!