That said, I have now been officially living ‘alone’ (suddenly posting this on a website for rapists and stalkers to see doesn’t seem like my best idea)… with my huge tiger of a man-eating CAT (redeemed) for the last two days. And… truth be told I prefer it this way. It’s a true sign of ‘getting old’ when the only roomie you want is either covered in fur or your spouse (which really, could fall under both categories..ew). That’s the point I’ve hit in my growings up, I do not care to have a roomie even at the expense of DOUBLING my rent. I’d rather have the rent than the roomie which means I’m EITHER old or just crabby… which comes with oldness… so now I’m old and crabby. Get off my lawn you kids! Git!
I’ve debated the ‘roommate’ scenario in my head – picturing another roomie that’s not Nikelle sharing our rather smallish apt, and it makes me feel like putting my head in a vice or running a razor over my tongue… backwards. The freedom that comes with having your very own space is well… intoxicating… and liberating. Not that I’ve ever had a desire to run around my very own place naked – but now that fact that I COULD makes me feel so autonomous! This also means I’ve hit a point in my professional career that allows me to consider living alone in a 2 bedroom downtown urban (I add urban to make it seem hip… really it’s like 35 years old or something…) apartment by myself( with my face-slashing overly-protective cat); which is kind of… cool. Right? I’m always looking for ways to up my cool level. I think I’ve just jumped up a couple because of this. I mean… next step is buying a house and that scares me to death. Who buys a house? Couples, young professionals, old folks, families, ADULTS! Can I be getting that close to house-purchasing? I guess I can. Whoa.
WELL! Naturally to celebrate this new step into adultness (cool adultness thanks), first things first! I moved directly into Nik’s bedroom which houses a much bigger closet than mine, and have begun to envision my former bedroom as my new ‘office’ and ‘cat lounge.’ It’s only a cat lounge because I’ve moved her little bed (which she never uses) into the closet in that room and moved all my stuff out. See that cat? You have your room… I have mine. I also bought a variety of items for my now ‘newly’ acquired space and freedom that include but aren’t limited to: a bookshelf for my room (for my new/old newly purchased 37 books), a DVD player (as Nik took hers), some décor that includes mirrors and a variety of paintings (seen below), a new lamp, a new comforter and sheets (yes this was needed!), and picture frames. I also found a great desk at IKEA I will be adding to the loot this weekend and of course, over the upcoming weeks I will be visiting many a Ross and TJ Max for particular items to personalize my very own space. Mine… my own… my precious.
I’m sure all of this seems well and good until ya know… the first of the month rolls around and rent is blazingly on the radar at double the amount I’m used to paying. That’s where a back shelf plan B has been formulating. Nik and I’s contract is up in April – THUS – I get 2 months – 2 MONTHS – to see how paying for new adulthood fits into my budget. Truth be told I’d rather spend money on plane tickets than rent – but since I refuse to enter the world of roomies again – the only other option I have is downsizing. Truly - $675 for a downtown 2 bedroom is a sweetness deal – but $550 for a small 1 bedroom around the same location isn’t bad either… and $100 more towards that ticket to visit Nik in Charleston, or Australia in December, or New York in the Fall. Hm.
There you have it! I am officially banning ‘roomies’ in my living situation until I marry one and happily living on my own with a bedroom, office, and giant 150lb cat! And even when I marry (you see my optimism there? WHEN) then I may require he have his own ‘man-cave’ away from me so I can have my own ‘craft-room’ (where there will not be crafts… but books and a loungey arm chair and cat) away from him. Self-discovery moment: Andrea likes her space. Yes she does. And she’s willing to pay for it… mostly.

Living Room
My protective cat. Good kitty!
1 comment:
I don't think you'll have a problem keeping freshman roomies away with that man-eating sucker!
I highly approve of the decor. They're soothing and warm...even the portrait of mammoth cat is rather nice! :)
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