See how it’s a nook? Okay.
So there’s the toilet in its nook – and I notice a brown blotch of nasty crouched on the right wall in the toilet nook. I gasp! I squeak “NO!” And little nasty has been so jolted by the sudden bright lights of the bathroom that I had flicked on it – it scurries to the ground and starts to ATTACK! I’m freaking serious! It scurried AT me! It circumvented the toilet – scurried to the toilet brush – and watched. I could see all its piercing eyes watching me stand there hugging myself, balancing on my tip toes. What do I do! What do I do! I ran for it. Ran to my room and put on my large Uggz for to squish the sicky thing. I hate killing them too. This may seem like I might have compassion for ickle bugs – but no – I hate squishing them because that means I have to get near them and I KNOW they will find a way to get into my hair or on my hand or…. Shudder. I can’t go on. So the large THICK Uggz and the fact the creeper was on the floor was ideal. I could handle that. So I cautiously entered the bathroom again. There it is – still hairy and nasty and terrible – crouching by the toilet brush. It’s a face off. I take a step. SCURRY! SCREAM! DAH!!! It rushes into a space between the floor and baseboard… escaping.
NO!!! Do you have any idea what this MEANS???!?!??!?!? I could not under any sort of circumstance even consider using my nook toilet for DAYS! DAYS! I can’t render myself incapacitated like that. I mean think about it. You go to nook toilet to do your various nook toilet business and some freaky spider is just waiting for the right moment – when you’re in the middle of whatever business is required – to rush out and EAT you!!! And you can’t escape without making it awkward or a mess or BOTH! It’s literally getting caught with your pants down! Ew. Spiders WOULD do that. Evil beastys.
Thus – the first day or two after the spider incident I did not use that toilet. I had to use the ones at work or the other one upstairs – but under no circumstance was I going to risk an attack. Yesterday – I REALLY wanted to use MY personal toilet nook and decided I would go in with my Ugg boots on (which I’d naturally been doing every morning before showering… checking everywhere before I went about my routine and jumping at any sort of perceived movement in my peripheral) and do what I needed to as fast as I could. Things went well. I’ve begun to be more comfortable. And this morning – I utilized the nook toilet without the Uggz. Needless to say though – the bad omen itself made the week a little more stressful. It’s been a looooong week. I had two days in Park City doing presentations – of which I had to BE there by 7:30am. Presentations are energy-suckers anyway. I also had a DOCTORS appointment. Of the UNPLEASANT Doctors appointment sorts. Ahem. Cough. Yes. So that always makes one’s week a little more… cold and uncomfortable. It’s also only Thursday – and I remember thinking Tuesday should’ve been Thursday. That's been rough. I think I’m fighting some sort of aching sickness – AND – people keep throwing trash in the back of my truck.
I’m serious! Who does that? Is this a natural consequence of driving a truck? Does it LOOK like a garbage can to you Mr. Iceburg Shake Drinker? Ben’s Cookies Eater? Take-out orderer? Sheesh! It’s the weirdest thing! People throw their random trash into the back of MY truck! I don’t want your stinking garbage and I really don’t see how you can be in such a garbage bind as to think dumping your refuse INTO a STRANGERS vehicle is somehow your only way out. It’s disgusting. I don’t want your trash! I’m also annoyed I have to clean it out of the back of my truck and throw it away for you. Have your mothers taught you NOTHING? Do you HAVE mothers? Maybe I will open your Volvo’s back door and chuck my half eaten Costa Vida salad on the back seat. Perhaps I’ll come to your house and dump my trash on your lawn – it looks like it should go there cause – well – it’s not mine and I really do need to get rid of it right this minute.
“Honey – we need to throw away this bag of left over fries and junior bacon cheeseburger”
“Oh dear, just chuck it in the back of that 99 Ford Ranger. They drive a truck – clearly they don’t mind if there’s trash in there."
“True. Besides, they owe us. What can they expect for driving a truck?”
I mean, I'm really trying to follow the logic of the redneck fool, or yuppie Gateway princess shopper who thinks chucking her grande Decaf, no-Whip, White Chocolate, Mocha-Latte cup "like, totally in that icky truck. OMG. It looks like so, not... like my red Beamer Daddy got me for my sweet 17 and a half Birthday. Just chuck it in Brit, honey."
It's become a rather LARGE pet peeve.
So there you have it - a bad omen and people throwing garbage in the back of my truck. I think I'd take the garbage over the spider omen though. Shudder. It's time to set a bug bomb - then find some willing home teacher to come vacuum up the carcases. Mmmm, spider carcases. The best way for a spider to be - dead.