Online dating update. Wahoo! I know how you all wait around to read these juicy little updates and see what sort of cynical words I have for online dating now. Well... I may have some good words today. So... settle in.
I went out with "texty-boy" last Thursday. And... yeah that was a one time thing. Now listen, he actually redeemed his lame texty ways because he was a very nice boy (yeeeeeah... boy). He was 24 and from the country. In fact, he reminded me a lot of some of the humble nice farmer boys I went to school with in ye old Emery County. We ate at Mimi's Cafe (mmm, turkey dinner) which only added to the 'homegrown' feel this boy had spouting from him. He likes Clint Eastwood movies, wants to be a police officer, works outdoors, and had no idea where the University of Utah was located. It's endearing.... it's sweet...
Probably not the guy for me. Regardless, I wasn't really feeling it for the lad and honestly, I don't think he'd end up liking me. He was rather shy, and I probably would overwhelm him. I still chalk it up as a positive experience though.
Next redemption...
I have a lunch date tomorrow with a Orem guy I've been chatting with on and off for awhile. I don't know what sort of interest level I have at the moment (I mean it's chatting and emails... eh), but I'm glad to finally put a physical presence with the 2-month e-communications. He's a PoliSci major at BYU and finishing up his last semester as an intern on the Hill during the Leg session. Well hot dog, I happen to work not a mile from the Capitol so why not meet for lunch while he's in town for 3 months? Exactly. I kind of instigated the whole thing - but I'm starting not to care anymore who asks who to do what, when, where. Might as well get this show on the road! Besides, this way, when a guy really takes some initiative and asks me out vocally on a planned date, I will be more impressed then if he'd shown up with a copy of the Bell Jar in his back pocket and tickets to Coldplay (but I still take the tickets to Coldplay no matter what). It's the little things really. So... there's that. Another date out of the online wilderness that will probably be positive. He seems normal enough.
I may or may not be actually looking forward to a date that may or may not (but probably may) happen on Saturday. Yep. Now, as one who believes in jinx's, curses, and karma (because I have jinxed myself, feel I am cursed in so many ironic ways, and karma keeps me from using office supplies for personal needs) I am not going to disclose much. Nor am I going to act like I'm looking forward to going out with someone smart, normal (sounding), witty, interesting, and good looking. Nope.
What I will say is this - LDSPlant has done me a good turn this round and I'd like to acknowledge that through the creepers, weirdys, tools, texty's, and Joe Schmoe's, there's some dudes worth the $60, 6 month membership. And truly, this has been the most lucrative method of procuring dates I've yet tried. So... that says something for sure.
You really are providing the needed drama in my life right now, I'll be back soon for the next installment of how the LDSPlanet turns . . .
Ha. Oh good!
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