Friday, October 24, 2008

What to wear...what to wear...hmmm

My favorite holiday is Halloween. True Story. I think it has to do with the under appreciated and not fully explored thespian spirit within me. I always feel I'd be a good "stagey" (I made that up - but you get it), but have never taken the risk and tried out for anything. I mean, I've not been blessed with the seemingly pointless ability to do a multiplicity of fairly decent accents for nothing right? RIGHT!?!? Self-discovery note: I'm finding there are a lot of things that I'm interested in (seemingly everything) and for some reason have never explored. Why is this? What have I been waiting for? Will you allow me to foreshadow for a moment? In light of this recent "why have I not just been doing and trying all those things I want to" I've purchased something that I'm picking up this weekend from Ogden. Intrigued? Excited? Indifferent? Well stay tuned my friends because I've finally decided to buckle down and learn something I've always wanted to and never had the where-with-all, the confidence, nay the TIME to try. You better believe there will be a post about it - and pics. Always some pics.

Ahem. Where was I? So Halloween. Love it! I love dressing up. All year I try and gather ideas for what I will be the next year. I've hardly had any "big" Halloweening plans - but so long as I can dress up at some point (or many points) I'm one. happy. camper. That said, here are a few thoughts I've been mulling over. I require YOUR input as well. What do be this Halloween Season?
  • Eliza Dolittle as the Cockney Flower Girl (kinda wanted to save this one until I had an 'Enry 'Iggins to go with it but hey, who knows how long THAT could take)

  • Little Red Riding Hood - classic, simple and cute. Now if there were a Wolf to go with Little Red that would be a great coupling...alas...again with the lack of coupling as of late...or...ever, really. Cough.

  • Punked out Cat (I'm thinking some great big colored hair, kitty ears, a tail, and some "punky"'s a vision..and I thought this pic was GREAT!).

  • 20's Flapper - inspired by one Angelina Jolie in her new film "Changeling " I really most seriously LOVE her hat. Eh? At least there's a "decent" pic of this.
And that will do it. I'd like you to know, dear Internet, that is a whittled down list. I also tried to find some decent pictures a la Google image to help you make a more "informed" decision - but honestly couldn't find much. I know right? Even of Eliza Dolittle (as a flower girl)! I tried to Google image Little Red Riding Hood and well - Google and I have very different ideas of what constitutes an image search like that. Cough. So that came to an immediate halt. I just picked something "close enough" and ran with it. Ran far away.
So! With a little imagination and serious consideration - lets figure out this Halloween costume. And can we do it in a timely fashion? I'm on a deadline.


Andrea, Mrs. said...

Dear Friend,

I think a lot of this could also be determined by (1) where you are going and (2) who you will be going with.

Andrea Jolene said...

1. USU Howl OR Provo - par-tay.
2. No one male. Just a group of chica's. My dream is to one day "share my Halloweens" with someone - just for the great couple costum ideas.

The Sevy's said...

I vote for little red ridding hood. Just cause I've always wanted to dress up as her but my husband is a scruge and won't dress up with me :0( Don't forget to post pics of whatever you choose (and make nik dress up too.)